Chinese design draft era before
Let us see the LuTingXi works the shape of the wind
Universal auditions made entertainment of the new generation, river images in the eyeball economy, who can quickly opened well-knownness who can preemptive opportunities as an industry leader, when star-generating movement when fade away, design laps of the reality TV show just began to unfold the boom, when stars auditions after entering ", stylist draft era "just enter explore development held" before the draft age."
The development of economy drive the consumption level of ascent, when clothes have become no longer fresh naturally we want to pursue a more personalized design, as we demand from clothes to fashion transition, domestic original design strength the shortage of present situation exposed. If industrial represent us as producers as the strength, then hands symbol of our creative industries is the ability of the brain as thinkers as with any industry, eager to make make the national industry, creative industries also need as nationalization power ascension. Europe and America had already appeared like Runway such successful design bought reality show, they provide the blustery fashion industry for the most vigorous fresh flowers of nutrients, let originality to often open often new.mac mascara|sexy lingerie manufacturer|Rolex Local Chinese design draft program "creative sky" although only exists in the second quarter, but has brought us a lot of surprise and expect, the most common carrier television with the fastest speed universal concept of original design, which cater to the cultural fast-food socialist trend for China's original power quickly also laid a broad mass base.
Mat and silks and satins, hard and soft authentically
Seen this two season's "creativity", we both stars for a surprise the outstanding talent domestic Cenozoic stylist, also obvious detected the limitations of the original Chinese design. First in this two-time game champion players are long-term accept education western design of sea turtles designers, their international vision and broader thinking make their work displays very different aesthetic feeling, blends together the ability is something they win necessary factors.This reminds me of the rise of Japan design force, when a group of young during the Japanese design with ideal new Europe, in the old bear record the design of the western art school accept system education, when they experience the edification of the western mature design atmosphere then pick traditional Japanese culture, is finally showing merriment Oriental buddhist blowing machine|Omega Watches|cheap hockey jerseys Not only the fans and kimono can manifest Japanese culture, also not only peony and interpretation of GongChou can the charming Chinese.But now the Chinese young designers falling into the trap for Chinese and Chinese, they work more like Chinese elements collage and not to create..
This year "creative sky" champion works as a model, impressive out slowly, I seem to see the wind, as one of the judges the shape of said in comments that Chinese clothing with western dress largest Chinese clothing and different is not simple package the aesthetic feeling of human body shape, export-oriented Chinese clothing are shaping and man one temperament and magnetic field, I think this is the Chinese designer must hold the cultural essence.
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